Evelina registered her first account in 2011 and became an ambassador in 2021. She is from Norway.
On why the Star Stable Online community motivates her to play
I had already played Star Shine Legacy and the original Star Stable games, so when I saw Star Stable Online advertised, I figured it was a reboot. That was before it came out when I had pre-registered. It was a happy moment when I could first log in. I’m not sure I would have believed you if you said to me ten years ago that I’d still be playing, but I keep coming back to Jorvik. It’s the community. It’s grown massively, but it’s still warm and welcoming. That’s the feedback I get from new members of the community. They feel so welcomed. And I know people genuinely are eager to be open when someone new joins the StarFam. Some of my best friends only started playing a couple of years ago, and I have old friends, who I’ve basically grown up with. I don’t have a lot of contact with people I went to school with, but these guys? They stick around.
On what connects the community so deeply
Part of it is the fact that we’re allowed to be ourselves. In a way, we’re hiding behind the screen, but we have these characters that let us distinguish ourselves. It means we don't have the chance to pre-judge people based on their appearance. We can only make judgments based on personality. And we’re more honest on the internet about who we want to be because we don’t have the external pressure telling us who we have to be. I think that allows us to click a lot quicker.
On the transformative power of Star Stable Online
I’ve always joked that I’d do anything for Star Stable. I would mop the floors if I could! Being allowed to work with the team as an ambassador is crazy!
It's really an honour to be chosen, especially when they could have chosen so many other great, motivating and inspiring people. I have been struggling with low self-esteem, so it's somewhat unbelievable that what I do is considered "good enough". It's a good confidence boost, and it also really motivates me to work even harder to reach my dreams!
I’ve always been a shy person, hiding from big groups and not feeling I have a place in friend groups. In SSO, I've managed to find several friend groups where I feel like I can be myself 100%. And having the privilege of being in a position where I can lift up others? Me, I can do that? It’s amazing.
On Star Stable Online as an escape
I don’t remember a time without Star Stable - it’s always been there - but in the past year, I’ve lived more in Jorvik than in the real world. It’s a safe space. I don’t have to be who everyone expects me to be, I can be whoever I want to be.
Star Stable Entertainment is a cross-channel entertainment company that makes games and stories where girls discover adventure, ignite creativity and build friendships.